04/06/2016: Getting Started with LaTeX Workshop

IEEE Okanagan College Student Branch &
IEEE Okanagan Subsection Present

Scott Fazackerley – Okanagan College

Getting Started with LaTeX Workshop

Time & Date: 5 pm – 7 pm, Wednesday, April 6th, 2016
Location: E310, Okanagan College, Kelowna, BC

Workshop Abstract:
LaTeX (pronounced either “Lay-tech” or “Lah-tech”) is a cross-platform, portable document formatting system based on TEX (pronounced “tech”), a typesetting language originally designed especially for math and science but is commonly used in the communication and publication of scientific documents in many fields, including mathematics, physics, computer science, statistics, economics, and political science. Unlike traditional word processing, LaTeX relies on markup tagging to define the general structure of a document. While intimidating to the uninitiated user, basic mastery of LaTeX will allow a user to create well-structured and stylized documents with citations and cross-references.

This workshop is intended for a wide audience and assumes no previous LaTeX skills. In the workshop, learners will be introduced to the requirements for using LaTeX as well as building and compiling a basic document.   Learners will investigate how to create basic tables, include images and build a multi-section document.   Learners will also gain basic skills for creating documents with citations and cross references. At the end of the workshop, learners will be able to build and compile a simple LaTeX documents with bibliography.

This is a “bring your own computer” interactive event, as learners will be installing and configuring a LaTeX compiler and IDE. The event is free for all research students and IEEE members. All other participants will be $5 at the door.

Presenter Biography:
Scott Fazackerley likes LaTeX, using it on a daily basis. He is a college professor in Network and Telecommunications Engineering department at Okanagan College where he teaches client-server architecture, scripting, and security and networking in addition to being a PhD candidate at UBC, with a specific focus on data storage and analysis for low power embedded devices. Scott is a graduate of The University of British Columbia with a BSc (Honours) in Computer Science and MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies, focusing on the use of embedded systems and wireless sensor networks in the conservation, management and tracking on environmental parameters.   He continues to maintain an active research and consulting role working on collaborative projects in both industry and academia.

Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:
Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry@ieee.org)
Registration Page: (https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/m/39292)