About the Thompson Okanagan Section
The Thompson Okanagan Section (formerly Okanagan Subsection of the Vancouver IEEE Section until 23 November 2024) promotes the exchange of technical information and awareness of the local engineering community by:
- Hosting technical presentations and seminars on topics of current interest
- Organizing tours of local companies, research labs, and industrial sites
- Arranging for local support and participation in engineering conferences and symposia held in the Thompson Okanagan region of British Columbia.
Other important activities include:
- Recognizing local members by nominating them for advancement in IEEE membership grade and/or IEEE technical and service awards,
- Arranging for industry support of projects organized by IEEE student branches and chapters, and,
- Organizing events or activities concerning technology or public policy for the general public.
In 2009, Vancouver Section Chair David Michelson polled Okanagan and Northern BC members to determine their interest in forming subsections that would address local interests and concerns and arrange local activities. He led the campaign to gain the required number of signatures on the subsection formation petitions and the petitions to form student branches at UBC-O and UNBC. On 13 February 2010, the IEEE Board of Directors approved forming the Okanagan and Northern BC Subsections.
By 2024, the Okanagan Subsection had grown sufficiently to become an independent section. Youry Khmelevsky led the effort to gain the required signatures on the section formation petition. On 23 November 2024, the IEEE Board of Directors approved the formation of the new Thompson Okanagan Section.
The Section has about 190 active members, including UBC Okanagan, Okanagan College and Thomson River University students.
The Section’s fiscal year runs from January to December. New officers are elected each fall, and election results are announced in December. The Section’s Annual General meeting is held in the spring to report on Section operations to all members. Technical meetings and social events for members are held year-round.
All members interested in volunteering are invited to contact the Section Chair or Vice Chair. The Section ensures that all volunteers are properly supported and recognized.
IEEE Continuing Education courses are offered online at http://www.ieee.org/web/education/home/index.html
Local courses are also offered at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UBC Okanagan and Computer Science at Okanagan College.
The Section publishes news and events on Its Website, http://www.okanagan.ieee.ca/. Its news and events are also available via email to members and interested non-members who voluntarily join the OKANAGAN@listserv.ieee.org email list.
The Okanagan Section executives serve the members openly and honestly. Section Executive Meetings are held monthly. Any interested member may attend as an observer. Any request for a presentation or an item of business to be brought before the executive meeting should be sent to the Section Chair at least two weeks before the meeting, and disposition of such a request shall be at the discretion of the Section Chair.
The Okanagan Section issues an Annual Report in conjunction with its AGM. Other materials, such as budgets and minutes of executive meetings, may be made available to members upon request.
IEEE Thompson Okanagan Section
c/o Prof. Youry Khmelevsky, Computer Science
Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd., Kelowna, B.C. Canada V1Y 4X8
Email: tok-section [at] ieee.org