Category Archives: Talk

05/13&14/2015Evolution toward 5G cellular: Key challenges and enabling technologies




Ekram Hossain, IEEE Fellow
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Manitoba


Evolution toward 5G cellular:
Key challenges and enabling technologies

1. Time & Date: 6 pm, July 13th, 2015. Registration Page:
E103, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y4X8 (parking info).

2. Time & Date: 10 am, July 14th, 2015. Reg. Page:
EME 1151, UBC, Okanagan Campus, Kelowna, BC

Talk Abstract: The evolving fifth generation (5G) cellular wireless systems will have a multi-tier architecture consisting of macrocells, different types of licensed small cells, relays, and device-to-device (D2D) networks to serve users with different quality-of-service (QoS) requirements in a spectrum and energy-efficient manner. Starting with the visions and requirements for 5G cellular networks, the key challenges in the design and deployment of these networks will be discussed and several enabling technologies for these networks will be reviewed. In particular, concepts of tier-aware resource allocation, distributed uplink cell association and power control, cognitive spectrum access by network tiers, mode selection and power control for D2D communication, radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting-based D2D communication, and interference management in multi-tier cellular networks in presence of energy harvesting will be discussed.

Speaker Biography: Ekram Hossain (IEEE Fellow) is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Victoria, Canada, in 2001. His current research interests include design, analysis, and optimization of wireless/mobile communications networks, cognitive radio systems, and network economics. He has authored/edited several books in these areas ( Dr. Hossain serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, and an Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications. Also, currently he serves on the IEEE Press Editorial Board. Previously, he served as the Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications in the area of “Resource Management and Multiple Access” from 2009-2011, an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing} from 2007-2012, and an Editor for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications – Cognitive Radio Series from 2011-2014. Dr. Hossain has won several research awards including the University of Manitoba Merit Award in 2010 and 2014 (for Research and Scholarly Activities), the 2011 IEEE Communications Society Fred Ellersick Prize Paper Award, and the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2012 (WCNC’12) Best Paper Award. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society.

Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:
Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry at

iOS Interprocess Communication Security and the Universal Authentication Framework Protocol




Dr. William J. Blanke
Nok Nok Labs, Palo Alto, CA USA


iOS Interprocess Communication Security and the Universal Authentication Framework Protocol (slides)

Time & Date: 5 pm – 6 pm, May 26th, 2015.
E103, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y4X8 (parking info).

Talk Abstract: The Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) protocol is a newly ratified, public key cryptography-based standard from the FIDO Alliance that supplants the common shared-secret login password. To achieve this, a UAF client on a user’s device mints public key pairs on a per-relying party basis, and registers the public key with the relying party server. The UAF client then manages the private keys, which are used to sign server-generated authentication challenges. The prior-registered server-side public keys are then used to verify the signed challenge responses in order to authenticate the user session.

On the iOS platform, the UAF client can exist as a standalone app that services authentication requests from other apps (termed relying party apps in UAF parlance) via custom URL schemes for interprocess communication. This presentation first will identify the strengths of using custom URL schemes for communication between relying party apps and a standalone UAF client. Second, the presentation will analyze the threats to this approach and will illustrate their mitigation by the UAF standard.

Speaker Biography: I graduated with my BSE from Duke University (2015 NCAA champs! Go Blue Devils!), MS from the University of Virginia, and PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. I specialize in security software for Windows, iOS, and Android. Currently as the mobile lead architect at Nok Nok Labs, a Silicon Valley startup, I helped create the first FIDO enabled multifactor authentication client for Android and iOS. If you own a Samsung Galaxy S5, you might already be using our software! My security focus results from a decade as a technical director at PGP Corporation (a division at Symantec), where I developed the PGP product line for Windows, Windows CE, Windows Mobile, and iOS. Previously, I taught graduate and undergraduate courses as a lecturer of Computer Science at the University of the South Pacific, in Suva, Fiji Islands.

 Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:
Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry at
Registration Page:

Smart Grid: Opportunities and Challenges




 Sabbir Ahmad, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Manager of Engineering, Transmission & Distribution
Amec Foster Wheeler, Vancouver

Smart Grid: Opportunities and Challenges

Time & Date: 5 pm – 6 pm, May 11th, 2015
Location: EME 1151, UBC, Okanagan Campus, 3333 University Way, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7

Talk Abstract: Smart grid represents the next generation electrical power grid that will integrate modern information, communications, and power technologies to improve the control, efficiency, reliability and safety of energy generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption. In this talk, the presenter will present some case studies of smart grid system implementations in North America.

Speaker Biography: Dr. Sabbir Ahmad received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Victoria, BC, Canada, 2008. Dr. Ahmad has more than 20 years of experience in engineering, planning, research and project management, mainly for transmission and distribution projects in Asia, Europe and North America. Currently, he is a manager of Engineering, Transmission & Distribution, with the global engineering & project management service provider Amec Foster Wheeler. He is also a registered Professional Engineers (P.Eng.) with APEGBC and PEO, a member of IEEE as well.

 Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:
Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry at and to
Md.  Jahangir Hossain, Ph.D., P.Eng. jahangir.hossain at
Registration Page: (

May 14, 2015: Addressing Spectrum Scarcity through Optical Wireless Communications



Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Science and Engineering (CEMSE) Division King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Thuwal, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia.

 Addressing Spectrum Scarcity through Optical Wireless Communications

Time & Date: 10:30 am – 11:30 am, May 14, 2015
EME 2141, UBC, Okanagan Campus, Kelowna, BC

Talk Abstract: Rapid increase in the use of wireless services over the last two decades has led the problem of the radio-frequency (RF) spectrum exhaustion. More specifically, due to this RF spectrum scarcity, additional RF bandwidth allocation, as utilized in the recent past, is not anymore a viable solution to fulfill the demand for more wireless applications and higher data rates. The talk goes first over the potential offered by optical wireless communications to relieve spectrum scarcity. It then summarizes some of the challenges that need to be surpassed before such kind of systems can be massively deployed. Finally the talk offers an overview of some of the recent results for the determination of the capacity of optical wireless channels.

Speaker Biography: Mohamed-Slim Alouini (S’94, M’98, SM’03, F’09) was born in Tunis, Tunisia. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA, USA, in 1998. He served as a faculty member in the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, then in the Texas A&M University at Qatar, Education City, Doha, Qatar before joining King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia as a Professor of Electrical Engineering in 2009. His current research interests include the modeling, design, and performance analysis of wireless communication systems.

Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:
Julian Cheng (email: Julian.Cheng at Registration Page: (

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones. Next Generation of Aviation Vehicles



Calvin Reich
Capri Insurance, UAV Specialist

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones. Next Generation of Aviation Vehicles

Time & Date: 5 pm – 6 pm, April 29th, 2015
E103, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y4X8 (parking info).

Talk Abstract: There has been a lot buzz recently about drones in the media. There is a whole new industry that is taking off. An industry that is outside the traditional and is different than anything we have seen in the past. With this new industry there is great potential and there are many that are starting to benefit from it. There are also plenty of challenges that have yet to be addressed and will continue as both technology and regulation try to find their role. We are seeing the blend of new technology pushing an aviation industry that is typically slow to change. Technology seems to push things to a whole new dimension. The Internet opened up a whole new world, and then it was cell phone and smart phone technology. This has all led to huge advancements in GPS systems and now is a driving factor in the UAV industry. As the industry is on the brink of exponential growth and regulators struggle with fitting this new technology into a pre-determined box it is an exciting time. It is somewhere between the Wild West and a robotic revolution. It is an exciting time and one that is a pleasure to be part of. We do not know exactly what it will look like in the future, as technology advances so will the UAV industry and the applications of the next generation of aviation vehicles. It is limited only by the imagination and rules governing the integration of this new sector of aviation.

Speaker Biography: Calvin has been with Capri Insurance for the past 14 years and has been involved in aviation since 1992. He holds a Commercial pilots license, float rating, multi Engine rating and has held an Instrument rating. He has been involved in the UAV industry for the past 3-4 years and was a speaker at the Unmanned Systems Canada Conference in 2014. Over the past number of years, Calvin has helped many new and seasoned operators with the rules and regulations that are involved for commercial operations of a UAV.

Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:
Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry at
Registration Page: (

Exact Positioning Systems using Ultrawideband Technology




Scott McMillan
XCo Tech Inc., Software and Sensor Innovation
British Columbia, Canada


Exact Positioning Systems using Ultrawideband Technology

Time & Date: 5 pm – 6 pm, April 27th, 2015
E103, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y4X8 (parking info)

Talk Abstract: XCo has developed Gauge, the first performance wearable to precisely measure your location, speed and acceleration. Built for sport and healthcare applications, it is the first wearable to fully integrate precise movement metrics with other body sensor data such as heart rate monitors and concussion sensors. This is made possible by combining XCo’s proprietary real-time software with our breakthroughs in cost-effective ultra-wideband positioning and data telemetry technology. The patent pending system is capable of determining location of a person or asset down to a few centimeters both indoors and outdoors. It has overcome the inability of GPS, video, WiFi and other RF based systems to track movements precisely and reliably. More importantly, XCo has achieved this level of performance at a fraction of the cost of other sport and asset tracking systems. Sport teams, facilities and athletes are the first target market for Gauge. Using this system, which includes tracking stations, wearable devices and software, athletes and teams can attain a competitive edge in their training without taking unnecessary risks of injury or illness. Performance data is displayed in real time to anyone, anywhere and may be used to monitor workload, technique, tactics and to minimize injuries. A healthy ROI may be achieved by facilities and other service providers who have purchased a system. Using the same technology platform, XCo is developing equally powerful products for the healthcare industry, in particular, remote patient monitoring. Positional information combined with clinical vital signs provides new value and safety features to in-home, assisted living and hospital tracking systems. Based in British Columbia, XCo’s founding team has deep experience in the sports, healthcare and information technology sectors.

Speaker Biography: Scott has a Master of Science degree in Exercise and Sport Science. Specializing in biomechanics, the study of human kinetics and kinematics, he has been using sensor technology for over 20 years to analyze human movement and performance. Prior to founding his own companies (Factor 9 Coaching, Blur Sports Inc and now XCo), he worked for the Adidas Innovation Team. At Adidas, he spent six years working across the company to bring new ideas to market. He has worked with and developed many sensor based products through all stages of innovation and commercialization.

Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:
Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry at
Registration Page: (

Wearable technology devices – market opportunities in augmented reality applications



Dr. Michael Conyette
Wear Geared Inc.

 Wearable technology devices – Market opportunities in augmented reality applications

Time & Date: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Friday, February 6th, 2015
E103, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y4X8 (parking)

Talk Abstract:  Wearable tech and computing are natural evolutions of the smartphone technology. Technology is becoming more personal—where it could adapt to the natural ways we communicate, learn, and create. For instance, travelers no longer have to remove a phone from a pocket to retrieve information on boarding passes, gate updates, or reservation information because wearable tech devices are expected to change the fundamentals of human machine interaction. Wearable technologies of all sorts will transform the marketplace and impact elements of a tourist’s destination experience. Tourism venues and other firms need to realign their business practices and software developers will play a critical role. Wear Geared is a development partner with a leading manufacturer of smart glasses, Epson. The next-generation Moverio BT-200 smart glasses by Epson will change how people experience the world around them and are setting the new standard in Augmented Reality (AR). Our team at Wear Geared is growing quickly as we explore the full potential of an AR application for our vertical market clients in the travel sector.

Speaker Biography:  Dr. Michael Conyette, MBA, and Doctor of Business Administration: President of 4 ventures, 1 in Travel. Experience: Management, Sales & Marketing, Education, Smart Glasses, and AR. He is the visionary and founder of Wear Geared. During his doctoral research in the travel area a number of years ago he became inspired by the opportunity that exists for travelers to use wearable technology devices such as smart glasses during vacation related activities. Over the past few years he monitored developments in the smart glasses marketplace and AR and discovered that now the capability exists to launch a new product to serve the needs of vertical market clients in the travel space.

Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:
Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry at
Registration Page:

Bonding and Grounding – What, Why and how?


Ark Tsisserev, P.Eng.
EFS Engineering Solutions Ltd.

Bonding and Grounding – What, Why and how?

Time & Date: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Monday December 8th, 2014
E 103, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd., Kelowna, BC V1Y 4X8 (parking info.)

Talk Abstract: Understanding the objective of bonding of electrical equipment and methods of bonding. Difference between grounding of electrical equipment and grounding of electrical systems. Specific functions of bonding and grounding conductors. Particular requirements for grounding of High Voltage Installations. Issues of step and touch potential in HV installations. Fundamentals of understanding requirements for High Voltage station and station ground electrode. Principal difference between bonding, grounding and neutral conductors and their sizing.

Speaker Biography: Arkady Tsisserev is the President of the EFS Engineering Solutions Ltd, electrical and fire safety consulting company. Before joining the world of the electrical consulting business, Ark was the Electrical Safety Regulator for more than 25 years. Since 1993 he has held the position of the Electrical Safety Manager, Chief Electrical Inspector & City Electrician for the City of Vancouver. Before moving to the City of Vancouver he was Head of Electrical Section for the City of Winnipeg Inspections Department. Ark has written and published many articles, course notes, and taught various CE Code and fire alarm and emergency system courses at UBC, University of Manitoba and via other venues, such as industry associations and community colleges. Ark writes by-monthly columns for the “International Association of Electrical Inspectors News” and for “Electrical Line” journals. Ark is an active member of many industry associations and is involved in numerous technical committees with such organizations as CSA, NFPA, IEEE, ULC, SCC, SFPE and IEC. Mr. Tsisserev was for many years chairing the BC Electrical Code Adoption Committee. Ark is Chair of the CSA Technical Committee for the development of the CE Code and Chair of the CSA Strategic Steering Committee for the Requirements of Electrical Safety. He also actively participates in the ULC Technical Committee for the development of ULC S500 series standards. Ark represents the CSA on the NEC Technical Committee, and he chairs the Canadian National Committee on the IEC TC 64. Ark started his work in the electrical industry in 1962 as a construction electrician. Ark is a certified electrical inspector in the Province of BC and a member of various provincial engineering associations in Canada. He has obtained his PhD Degree in Electrical Engineering from the State University in Kharkov, Ukraine in 1972 and Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Manitoba in 1984.

Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:

Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry at Registration Page:

GPN-Perf: Investigating Performance of Game Private Networks (NSERC CCI ARD Level 1 Project Results)


Rob Bartlett and Alex Needham, WTFast, Kelowna, BC


Trevor Alstad, Brad French, Simon Detlor, Heath Caswell, Zane Ouimet and Marc Schroth, BCIS Program and Youry Khmelevsky, Computer Science Department, Okanagan College, BC

 GPN-Perf: Investigating Performance of Game Private Networks (NSERC CCI ARD Level 1 Project Results)

Time & Date: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Friday, December 5th, 2014
E 103, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd., Kelowna, BC V1Y 4X8 (parking info.)

Talk Abstract: Online video games are interactive competitions among individual players competing in a virtual environment. A Gamers Private Network, or GPNTM, connects players to a common game service across the Internet. In this talk we will describe an experimental, local, and virtualized investigation of the parameters for minimal and stable connection latency in GPNs. Our conclusions isolate the effect of player type and number, activity vs idleness, and router and server virtualization. They provide a clear basis for future modelling and predictive use of latency information in GPNs. Nine Computer Science students in COSC 470 Software Engineering Project course started a related capstone project. They were able to develop a new simulation bot for the Minecraft online game and a new SW engineering prototype.

This work has been funded by NSERC’s College and Community Innovation Program – Applied Research and Development Grant Level-1 (July – December 2014).

Speakers Biographies:

  1. Rob Bartlett: Founder/CEO, WTFast. He is 15 year serial Internet entrepreneur, 11 years in online gaming. The WTFast team is comprised of seasoned professionals and successful entrepreneurs experienced in the gaming, private network and freemium model spaces.
  2. Trevor Alstad:  NSERC CCI ARD Level 1 project lead. He is an undergraduate student of BCIS program, Computer Science Department, Okanagan College. He is graduating in the Summer 2015. His joint research paper “Minecraft computer game simulation and network performance analysis” received the Best Paper Award at The 2nd International Conferences on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision, and Game Technology (VisioGame 2014, 29-30 November, 2014). Trevor is a founding director of Outdoors Okanagan Society, and Chief Technical Officer of current local web based project for the society. His family, including his five children, are involved in several community based projects such as the Adopt a Stream program and Yellow Fish Road program through the City of Kelowna.
  3. Brad French, Simon Detlor, Heath Caswell, Zane Ouimet and Marc Schroth are the COSC 470 SW Engineering capstone project students, BCIS Program, Computer Science Department, Okanagan College, Kelowna, BC, Canada.

Refreshments will be provided by IEEE Okanagan Subsection and by Okanagan College. Registration Page:

Agile project management techniques used at Disney Interactive


Shane Spraggs, Sr. Manager, Production Operations, Disney Interactive

Agile project management techniques used at Disney Interactive

Time & Date: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm, Wednesday, November 19th, 2014
E 103, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Rd., Kelowna, BC V1Y 4X8 (parking info.)

Talk Abstract:

Shane will provide an overview of agile project management techniques used at Disney Interactive to deliver features and content on a weekly basis for Club Penguin, a massively multiplayer online game for kids aged 6-12.

Agile as a project management approach has been around since 2001 and evolved from extreme programing in the late 90’s. It aims to improve value to the customer through rapid iterative development.

The presentation will cover best practices, key learnings, misconceptions, and pit falls from our years of using Scrum, a popular interpretation of agile project management.

Speaker Biography:

Shane Spraggs is Sr. Manager of Production Operations at Disney Interactive where oversees project management and the productivity of Studio production.

The Kelowna Studio of Disney Interactive is responsible for the world renowned kids game, Club Penguin. The game is played world-wide in six languages by millions of kids via and on iOS.

Prior to Disney, Shane was co-owner of Acro Media, a successful local web development company. With over 15 years’ experience driving teams to successfully deliver in the online space, Shane brings a well-rounded perspective to project management and product delivery.

Shane is the President of the Okanagan Project Managers Group and has his PMP and CSM certification.

Refreshments will be provided. For further information please contact:

Youry Khmelevsky (email: youry at Registration Page: